3D Printing Policy



The Dr. John Archer Library currently has one 3D printer (MakerBot 5th Generation model). The printer is located on the main floor between the entrance and the main Help Desk. The Library 3D printer uses PLA plastic (corn-based material) to create 3D objects via an additive process.

Who Can Print?

Printing is available to students, faculty, and staff at the University of Regina. Printing is not open to the general public at this time.

Pricing and Fees

Printing costs are based on the final weight of the item being printing. Before the printing begins the MakerBot software will determine the final weight of the object. This cost will be confirmed with the patron before printing begins. Printing costs are: 10 grams of filament costs $1.00. The charges will be entered in the patrons PaperCut account.

Printing Policy

  • There must be no printing of weapons, obscene materials, and other materials that violate the security, health, and safety of others.
  • There must be no infringement of any person’s intellectual property rights, such as copyright, when using the printer to create a work. Patrons are responsible for ensuring that they are not violating copyright law. Please refer to the University of Regina’s Copyright Policy.
  • Users are responsible for their own designs, and printing charges will apply regardless of the success of the print.
  • If the printing jams or stops printing a reprint of the object will take place without additional charge to the patron.


  • The extrusion print heads are hot during operation (-215 °C) and while cooling down after operation. Never touch the extrusion print heads and always assume the print heads are hot.
  • There are multiple moving parts. Always assume the instrument is under operation. Do not attempt to install or remove components/objects from the instrument.
  • Tie back any long hair or baggy clothing if you are close to the printer.
  • Do not attempt to make any mechanical adjustments while the printer is in operation. Additionally, if the instrument locks up or gets “jammed” during the operation, do not attempt to manually move any parts of the instrument.


Last modified April 14, 2015

  • Last Updated Nov 22, 2021
  • Views 39
  • Answered By Veronica Ramshaw

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