Terms of Use of Electronic Resources


The electronic resources subscribed by the University of Regina Library, such as e-journalsdatabases, and e-books are governed by license agreements with resource providers.

Please verify that the license grants the necessary permissions before incorporating electronic resources into teaching materials. Terms of licenses are available in Quickfind.

Electronic resources subscribed by University of Regina Library are only provided for authorized library users—students, faculty, and staff—and are used for educational or research purposes only.

The Library wants to ensure that authorized users understand the importance of complying with terms and conditions set in licenses; failure to do so allows the vendor to terminate our access to their product.

The majority of licenses contain the following user responsibilities and access restrictions. As an authorized user it is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with them:

  • Use of material for commercial purposes is prohibited.
  • Downloading and distribution of entire issues or volumes of electronic resources is prohibited.
  • Sharing your right to access with any other person or organization is prohibited.

Access to Electronic Resources

Item Borrower Access
*Research databases
*E-books and documents
*E-reference sources
Non-teaching staff
Graduate students
Undergraduate students
On Campus

Off-campus via UofR VPN
or proxy server
Friends of the Library
Public Access
Visiting Scholars
On campus ONLY.

In addition, publishers/vendors may have other "terms and conditions" posted on their websites. If you have any questions about your intended use of electronic material, please ask library staff for help.

  • Last Updated Aug 08, 2024
  • Views 103
  • Answered By Veronica Ramshaw

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